An Ansible role for managing the dynamic MOTD scripts on Debian 9, 10, 11 and Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04.

Source available on GitHub

Example Usage

The following example disables MOTD scripts by removing their execute bit.

- hosts: all
- gibbs.update_motd
- 88-esm-announce
- 91-release-upgrade
- 91-contract-ua-esm-status

Default Variables

# When true the /etc/motd will be removed if it exists
update_motd_remove_motd_directory: false

# Manage the MOTD package and service (Ubuntu only)
update_motd_package_name: "update-motd"
update_motd_package_state: present
update_motd_service_state: start
update_motd_service_enabled: true

# The Ubuntu Landscape package state (Ubuntu only)
update_motd_landscape_state: present

# Disable the "motd" service if it exists
update_motd_disable_motd_service: true

# An array of scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/ to disable
- 98-cloudguest

MOTD scripts

A list of dynamic MOTD scripts usually shipped with Debian and Ubuntu:

00-headerUbuntu 14, 16, 18, 20
10-help-textUbuntu 14, 16, 18, 20
10-unameDebian 9, 10, 11
50-landscape-sysinfoUbuntu 14, 18, 20
50-motd-newsUbuntu 16, 18, 20
85-fwupdUbuntu 20
88-esm-announceUbuntu 16, 18, 20
90-updates-availableUbuntu 14, 16, 18
91-contract-ua-esm-statusUbuntu 16, 18, 20
91-release-upgradeUbuntu 14, 16, 18, 20
92-unattended-upgradesUbuntu 16, 18, 20
95-hwe-eolUbuntu 14, 18, 20
97-overlayrootUbuntu 14, 16, 18, 20
98-cloudguestUbuntu 14
98-fsck-at-rebootUbuntu 14, 16, 18, 20
98-reboot-requiredUbuntu 14, 16, 18, 20