A Docker image of the latest Lighthouse builds. This image is focused on being entirely open source by being built on Debian and using the Chromium web browser with open fonts.

This image is useful for parsing and automating the generation of Lighthouse reports.

  1. Generate a HTML Report
  2. Lighthouse Score in JSON
  3. JSON Reports
  4. Multiple Reports
  5. Generating Host Reports
  6. All Options

View on Docker Hub Source available on GitHub


Get the latest Lighthouse image:

docker run genv/lighthouse:latest --version

Or a specific version from 8.0.0 onwards:

docker run genv/lighthouse:8.5.0 --version

Running Lighthouse requires runtime privileges to be passed to Docker. This can be done by passing --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN for each command.

Generate a HTML Report

Reports are generated in the container under /home/lighthouse/reports/. Using a volume, reports can be written to the host's current working directory with:

docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v "$(pwd):/home/lighthouse/reports/" genv/lighthouse:latest https://example.com/

Lighthouse Score in JSON

Reports can be returned in JSON. Combined with a tool like jq you can get only the scores with:

docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN genv/lighthouse https://example.com/ --output=json | jq "[.categories[] | {title: .title, score: .score }]"

This will return something similar to:

"title": "Performance",
"score": 1
"title": "Accessibility",
"score": 0.92
"title": "Best Practices",
"score": 1
"title": "SEO",
"score": 0.91
"title": "PWA",
"score": 0.3

JSON Reports

Using stdout with a volume, you can save full JSON reports;

docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN genv/lighthouse https://example.com/ --output=json --output-path=stdout > $(date +%s)_report.json

Multiple Reports

Reports can be generated in HTML, CSV and JSON. To create multiple reports, set the --output flag and use a volume in the current working directory:

docker run -v "$(pwd):/home/lighthouse/reports/" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN genv/lighthouse https://example.com/ --output=csv,json,html

Generating Host Reports

To create a report for the host machine running in port 8080 ( is typically the IP on Linux hosts);

docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v "$(pwd):/home/lighthouse/reports/" genv/lighthouse:latest

Alternatively, a wildcard DNS service like nip.io should work for testing other sites within your local network.

All Options

For a full list of options available:

docker run genv/lighthouse --help